Tuesday, August 19, 2008

So we were Gchatting today and he asks, "so when do you think we'll get back together?" Then later on he asks "When we get back together, you know how long it's gonna be for?" and answers "siempre!"

It makes things so much more confusing. I go from being mad at him and feeling sad because he hasn't called all afternoon to thinking that maybe it will all work out when he reminds me how he feels about me. Then I start over-analyzing our relationship: it's not perfect therefore he's not "the one."

How can I get myself to stop having unrealistic expectations? He is such a great man! He's so sweet and attentive. He's smart, motivated, and has a great career. We share a lot of the same values and interests. I just don't know.

I don't want to be one of those women obsessed with getting married and and starting a family. But at the same time I feel like I'm ready for that. At least ready to move towards that.

How does one recover from fairytale syndrome?!

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