Monday, August 4, 2008

Not settling

I received a compilation of my good friend Taz's poetry, "Secret Confessions: The Chapbook," in the mail today. I felt like her first poem was written just for me. It's what I needed to hear.

I'm afraid of never finding "the one"... of never falling in love again... of settling.

I remember praying last year. Asking God to send me a good man that would love me, that could take care of me, that was sweet and caring. God answered my prayers. He sent me MF. MF is all of those things and more.

I realized something though. I forgot to ask God to send me passion. I forgot to ask Him to send me a good man that would make my knees shake and my heart tremble.

Sometimes I think I'm too picky. That the things I asked for are more important than passion in the long-run. That I should be grateful. That this is as good as it gets. What if it's just me? After all, when I first met MF I did have butterflies and the thought of him did send electric currants through my body.

Then I think no. No, I shouldn't settle. He shouldn't settle. God wouldn't want us to settle. We deserve love and happiness. God has a plan. I just have to be patient.

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